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My Blog in Reading/Writing class

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The absolutely true diary of a Part-time Indian (part 2)

Pages 29-64.
Junior has a older sister. For Junior, his sister is the prettiest, strongest and funniest person in the world. She didn't go to college. Junior is so different from his sister. He loves school. He and his friend - Rowdy - were highschool player in basketball. Junior ia not good at playing basketball, he was crushed by the bigger and better kids. In his school, there is a weird teacher, he was Junior's Geometry teacher. The teacher sometimes forfets to come to school and wears pajamas in class. However, he is really a good teacher. One day, Junior was in Geometry class, he was thinking about his book, it used to be his mother's book. He was thinking that his school and his family are so poor that he had to use the book his parent studied from. He was angry, he threw it away and it hurt the Geometry teacher. The teacher wasn't angry. He just talked to Junior after Junior's suspension. The teacher told Junior about his sister, she had been the smartest student in the teacher's class, her biggest dream is becomming a writer, but she didn't tell anyone. Then, she gave up her dream. At the end of the conversation, the teacher said he wanted Junior to transfer to another school. Because many white people here were trying to make Indian kids give up their dreams. Junior' sister gave up her dream and Rowdy, his best friend, became a bad person in school, he made people scare when they heard his name. Junior had thought for many days, and then he decided to transfer to Reardan, a rich school with the smartest, richest and most athletic students. They are white peole. When Rowdy heard his friend said that he would transfer to Reardan and he wanted Rowdy to come with him, he was angry. The first day Junior went to Reardan, many white kids stared at him. He soon realized differences between white kids and Indian kids. In the new school, he was called with many names such as: chief, sitting bull, tonto, squaw boy....He tried to handle them as much as he can.

My response: Poor Junior's friend and sister, they soon gave up their dreams and lived without future. They accepted it. On the other hand, Junior is really strong. He could face with difficulties. Transfering may be his good opportunity, but it's also his big challenge. If he can overcome it, he will be stronger, white kids will not stare him anymore, and he will find his dream. The dream for not only him but also his friend, his family and his sister. So, do you think Junior can stand in the new school and will be a bright and shining star like the teacher told him before?

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